Friday, December 14, 2018 Most people lock their doors and windows. But does this give you enough security? Locking doors and windows can help to stop someone from easily getting into your home. But what happens if they break the window? It is important to add more security and protection to your windows, especially those on the first floor. READ MORE >>
Monday, November 5, 2018 If you are in the business of manufacturing, selling or serving alcoholic beverages, you need to be aware that liquor-related claims are excluded under a standard Commercial General Liability policy. You may be asking How does a business that manufactures, sells or services alcoholic beverages have coverage for alcohol-related damages or injuries? READ MORE >>
Monday, October 15, 2018 Owning a seasonal or second home can be a rewarding experience. You can use the home when you would like to, or even rent it out for income. These second homes are valuable investments and need to be protected with appropriate home insurance. How do you do that? Home Insurance Is Necessary READ MORE >>
Tuesday, September 18, 2018 Car accidents are never fun. They can be scary, overwhelming, and chaotic. When a car accident occurs, assuming everyone is okay, your first call should be to the police. But what you should also consider is getting on the phone with your insurance agent right away. READ MORE >>
Tuesday, August 14, 2018 An insurance policy is a contract. A contract that specifically outlines what it does and does not cover in the event of a loss. While working in the industry, I am learning on a daily basis something new regarding the nuances of these contracts, and my goal is to help translate these 40+ contracts into something we can all understand. READ MORE >>
Friday, July 13, 2018 Having a new teen driver in your home can be exciting and it can also be worrisome. The worries are not only experienced by the parents, but because of a driver's lack of experience behind the wheel, that worry is shared by the insurance company- resulting in an increase in the cost of the auto insurance policy. READ MORE >>
Thursday, May 3, 2018 The stories that dominate your social media feed and the evening national news often have significant ripple effects into the business world. The last few months have brought on a number of high profile cases of workplace harassment and abuse. These cases are difficult, controversial, polarizing, and expensive. READ MORE >>
Tuesday, March 6, 2018 Every driver has a driving record. This record is an electronic file that stores data about your driving history and includes a record of driving violations. When you visit the Department of Motor Vehicles, you can access to this record. The DMV can tell you what type of violations you have. READ MORE >>
Friday, February 9, 2018 Getting your business back up and running after a loss is hard to do. As you rebuild and make office upgrades, you'll still have financial obligations to make. How can you manage those costs? Turn to business interruption coverage. This type of coverage can provide you with the support you need to get your business back on track after a covered loss. READ MORE >>
Wednesday, January 10, 2018
When the original property insurance policies were created in the late 1600's, they only covered fire. Why fire? In 1666, the Great London Fire destroyed more than 13,000 houses. Accident and Liability Insurance policies weren't readily available until after the railroad companies decided they ... READ MORE >>
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